OneDrive at FVTC

Learn more about how to use OneDrive at FVTC
OneDrive logoFVTC uses Microsoft's OneDrive for all students and staff to store documents and files for school and work related purposes.  This access is available to all Program and PPD students and all Full-time and Adjunct Staff.

Please use the following tips and tricks.  Still need help? Contact us at: or 920.735.5644

Getting Started

OneDrive | Logging into the OneDrive Application (Windows)
OneDrive | Accessing OneDrive from your web browser
OneDrive | Mobile Access

Using and Saving Your Files

OneDrive | Saving to OneDrive (Windows Client)
OneDrive | Files On-Demand on Windows
OneDrive | Recovering deleted files (web version)
OneDrive | Connecting to submit your Bb Assignments from Office 365 ONLINE access

Other Helpful tips.

OneDrive | Overview of Features (PDF)


Two major reasons are COST SAVINGS & ACCESSIBILITY. 
  1. We already pay for the storage and the backup with our Microsoft licensing
  2. It will be easier to access your files from ANY computer or device that has standard internet connectivity


Visit the Staff Development Center for training opportunities!

Keywordsone, drive, file, storage, cloud, onedrive, 1, documents, files, images, photos, pictures, MyDocuments   Doc ID94889
OwnerThom W.GroupFVTC
Created2019-10-09 09:19:00Updated2021-01-01 13:47:48
SitesFox Valley Technical College
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