Microsoft Office 365 Software Download

Microsoft provides a free download of their most popular Office applications for actively-enrolled students, and to staff and faculty.

Go here to download and install the software: Download the Software Now

Sign in with your FVTC username, password, and complete Multi-Factor Authentication.

Your FVTC ID number and username will be sent to you and your hiring manager via email once your account has been created.

Your username for our sites is your nine-digit FVTC ID number followed by "" (example: Our sites do not allow you to sign in with your email address—you must enter your username. If your computer or web browser automatically populate your email address on our Sign in page, please select the lower option to "Use another account" where you will be prompted to enter your username.

On the Apps & devices page, under Office, Click the Install Office button and follow the prompts.

Install Office

More information on this FVTC Benefit for Student and Staff

free, office, 365, office, word, excel, powerpoint, onedrive, software, download, freeoffice, microsoft, proplus 
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Thom W. in FVTC
Fox Valley Technical College