Using the Scan-X Scanner - Scanning Exposed Plates
Learning how to scan Exposed Plates, using the Scan-X scanner
Scanning Exposed Plates #2 Size Plates
- Check that all plate guides on ScanX machine are labeled for #2 size plates.
- Make sure the Scan-X machine is powered up
- Log into Eaglesoft (ES)
- Click on the Patient button
- Type in the name of patient
- Click on the Use button, at the bottom
- Click on either the X-ray machine (left side) or the bitewing radiograph on the computer screen (behind the patient chair)
- From bottom left side of screen under New Exams, click on the template that matches the plates you exposed ( ex. FMX Horz 18)
- NOTE: Empty template orientation of films is OPPOSITE of how they appear in mount so horizontal will appear as a vertical plate and vertical will appear as horizontal
- Click Acquire on the tool bar at the top.
- ScanX Preview screen will appear
- Click Start button on bottom left of ScanX Preview screen
- Make sure it says: intraoral standard
- Check ScanX machine buttons, on either the top of the machine or the touch screen, which will all be Green which means it will accept plates to be scanned
- Open barrier of plate labeled # 1
- Hold plate by edges and put plate into the far left guide on the ScanX machine with the lettering facing out and the small "a" going into the machine first
- Green light on ScanX machine, or on thouch screen, will turn yellow, indicating that slot is busy, and cannot be used again until indicator light turns green again.
- Open barrier of plate labeled #2 and place in second guide moving in order from left to right on ScanX machine.
- There are 4 slots that can be used to accept the plates.
- Plates MUST be put into the ScanX machine in the order of template (1-18 for a FMX)
- As plates are scanned you can watch the progress on the computer screen, left side black screen of the ScanX Preview screen
- As plates scan, they erase so the plates will be ready for the next patient
- When all 18 plates have been scanned click Finished
- Images will populate the template