Access to Adobe Products on a Home Computer

Please follow the instructions below to enable access to Creative Cloud Desktop Apps on your personal device.
The following instructions are for all staff who have contacted the helpdesk for Adobe Access and for select groups of students with the proper licensing.  
STUDENTS: please contact your instructor to see if you qualify.
  1. Visit and use your full email address including the to sign in. (EX:

    Initial Adobe Login Screen

  2. When prompted, select Company or School Account.

    Pick "School or Work" on this screen

  3. You should then see the FVTC Sign in page - where you'll need to enter in your password
    Your ID here will need to be your 9 digit student ID.

    Screen Shot of the FVTC Sign in page for your student password

  4. From the Creative Cloud website, browse for and download your desired app.
    Click Apps on the top of the page to view all apps.
    For more information on how to download or install apps, see Download and Install Creative Cloud apps.

    Basic Screen shot of the Creative Cloud Desktop where you can now access apps

  5. PLEASE NOTE!  As you switch from your home computer to other machines, or FVTC Virtual Computers, you might see this:

    Screen Shot of the Adobe page to swap machines

  6. Adobe allows only 2 logins at a time -- so you have have to sign out of previous machines.
    And if you see a machine name like this: CXTVDG**** Just know that is a virtual computer from FVTC and you can "Sign out" of that.

    Screen shot of the name of a FVTC Virtual Computer

  7. You'll see a success screen like this if you have successfully swapped your license!

    Screen Shot of the successful sign out of an older machine


Keywordsadobe, creative, cloud, covid, 19, corona, coronavirus, acrobat, photshop adobeaccess   Doc ID99306
OwnerThom W.GroupFVTC
Created2020-03-23 15:56:14Updated2021-01-02 22:34:53
SitesFox Valley Technical College
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