Updating an offsite FVTC computer so it accepts your new staff password
This KB Document provides the steps for updating your offsite FVTC computer so it accepts your changed staff password at logon.
If you have an FVTC computer and are working offsite during which time you are required to change your FVTC staff account password, you may find that the computer does not accept your new updated password when attempting to login to Windows. However, it will continue to accept your old password. This is because the computer cannot communicate with our credentialing servers during the logon process to authenticate with your new password.
To update your computer so it accepts your updated account password when logging-in to Windows, you will need to follow the steps below.
- Login to your computer using your username and old password.
- Connect to VPN using the Cisco AnyConnect utility.
- Lock your computer by pressing "WindowsKey + L" or going to the Windows
Start Menu button, click your
User avatar, and click Lock.
- Unlock your computer using your new updated password.