Blackboard | How To Generate Course Evaluation Reports

This guide will go over the steps on how to generate a report on the results of course evaluations.

1. Log into Blackboard.
2. Click on Tools.
3. Click on Course Evaluations.

4. Click on the term you would like to get a report for.

5. You can get reports by section, instructor or teaching assistant. For this example we will be going by instructor.

6. Select the instructor(s) you'd like a report on.
7. Once you have all the instructors, click Batch Report

8.Give your report a name 
9. Select the type of report you'd like
10. Select how you want the multiple reports package
11. Click Go 

12. Once the report is done, you will get an email with a download link.

Keywordsblackboard, evals, evaluations, student evals, feedback, howto   Doc ID137997
OwnerDavid D.GroupFVTC
Created2024-06-19 16:27:38Updated2024-07-16 12:20:38
SitesFox Valley Technical College
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