FVTC: One Account

This page is now managing the status updates for the One Account project.


HELP! My One Note Notebooks are not synced!

  1. Internet link in OneDrive to Notebook said invalid because URL is pointing to original username
    Opening OneNote shows sync error with old path in the application 

  2. First, sign out
    1. Go to File

    2. Click on Account

    3. Sign out

  3. Click Yes to sign out
    Screen shot of Sign out

  4. Click Sign in and sign-in with your ID + @fvtc.edu 

  5. Close Notebooks Individually
    1. Click on File

    2. Click on the Settings drop down arrow
      Screen Shot of settings box

    3. Click Close

    4. Click Open

    5. Look for One Drive

    6. Scroll to Notebooks

    7. Open your notebook

    8. Path will replace your name with your ID Number
      Screen Shot of character string


HELP! My files in my Teams chats aren't accessible anymore!

These files are stored in OneDrive for Business of the person who originally shared it inside a folder named Microsoft Teams Chat Files

If you go to the Files tab, you can see who shared it (Sent by column). 
That person will need to re-add each file using the following directions:

  1. Go to the Files tab

  2. Click Share

  3. Select OneDrive

  4. Click on the Microsoft Teams Chat Files folder

  5. Select the appropriate file

  6. Click Share

  7. Repeat 2-6 for all files shared by you in that chat

  8. Repeat 1-7 for all appropriate chats


HELP! I can't access my student stuff in MyFVTC Account!

If you are both a student AND an employee for the college (such as interns and workstudy), you have one extra step to see your student information in MyFVTC.

When you log into your MyFVTC account it will default to your staff access, but if you click in the top middle of the screen you'll see a drop-down with "MyFVTC" indicated.

That is how to access your student panels (register for classes, see your study list, pay your bill)

 Screen shot of MyFVTC drop down menu

Historical Project status updates and project details are below. 


Monday, June 27, 7:00am CDT update

This will be our final official status update, as 99% of our systems are up and functioning.

We will continue to update the issues matrix below for those customers affected by those issues.

Tuesday, June 21, 7:30am CDT update

System access is back for nearly all of our system (with exceptions listed below
Please call the Helpdesk at 920.735.5644 if there are still systems you cannot access.

Blackboard continues to deal with duplicate IDs, please contact them if you need help:  online@fvtc.edu

Monday, June 20, 6:00am CDT update

Workday for TimeTracking is now accessible to ALL staff

Blackboard is available to all staff -- SOME accounts may have issues, Bb team is working on that
Call the Helpdesk if you need help:  920.7355644

Sunday, June 19, 1:00pm CDT update

Blackboard access for staff is still being worked on by Bb Team - Access will be back by Monday morning at the latest
Please refer to the email you received from the CIE regarding the downtime for faculty.
Remember students still have access..

Techs continue to target systems that were still having login issues

Saturday, June 18, 5:00pm CDT update

Our Techs have finished work for the evening and will continue again tomorrow.
Targets to finalize include staff connection to Blackboard and a few other smaller-use systems.
ANY Issues you may have, please email us:  helpdesk@fvtc.edu

Saturday, June 18, 11:00am CDT update

All STAFF mailboxes and logins have been updated
All STUDENT mailboxes have been updated.
ALL FVTC USERS should now be using an FVTC ID number, followed by @fvtc.edu to log in to systems
(e.g. 123456789@fvtc.edu and your regular password)

Email and MyFVTC account are accessible for all students and staff.
Blackboard access for student is accessible.
Blackboard access for staff is not accessible at the moment.


Current Issues Identified Below
Blackboard (Duplicate Accounts) Some staff who are also students (either FT or interns) might not be seeing both sets of classes when they log in. Blackboard team is manually adjusting and combining accounts.  Please email if you need access now:  online@fvtc.edu 6/21/22 @ 7:35am
Sigmanest (Manufacturing software) Sigmanest currently goes directly to a specific username folder. We are working on an automatic script to update for the logins Sigmanest will not launch properly Monday, working on fix 06/17/22 @ 9:50am
Kaltura (Bb Tool) Issue with editing existing files, that it may appear all files are missing. SYSTEM NOW WORKING FOR ALL STAFF  
If needed, Bb team can assist if sync did not work for individual accounts.
06/27/22 @8:00am
Maxient (Student Safety Database) Staff are not able to log into the system at the moment SYSTEM NOW WORKING FOR ALL STAFF
Maxient was out of the office on Monday, June 20 for the holiday, 
6/21/22 @ 8:50am
25Live (Room Scheduling system) Waiting on 25Live to sync our new addresses into their system.   SYSTEM NOW WORKING FOR ALL STAFF  6/20/22 @ 11:45Am
ServiceDesk (IT Tickets) Working for most staff, except those with student accounts (which created a duplicate ID) - working to update affected staff SYSTEM NOW WORKING FOR ALL STAFF 
Duplicates identified and fixed.
6/19/22 @ 8:30pm
School Dude (Facilities Work Order System) School Dude not accessible for all staff SYSTEM NOW WORKING FOR ALL STAFF 06/18/22 @ 12:00pm


As our processes, systems and security requirements change, several of our older sign-in processes at FVTC are no longer able to support current standards of safety, security and technology best practices. 

As a result, FVTC will be transitioning to using a single account sign-in for ALL USERS of FVTC systems. We are calling this project "One Account."

There are TWO major components to this change

The first is HOW you sign into FVTC systems

No matter who you are: student, staff or Dual Credit instructor, you will sign in with a nine-digit FVTC ID.

The second is a CHANGE to your FVTC email address

If applicable, your staff or student email will be updated to a different naming convention. 

For More Details

  • View the "Identify who you are" section below to see how these changes will affect you, your account and your email.

  • CONTRACT STAFF (Faculty, Support Staff & Management) - View the Staff Preparation section on what steps you need to take to prepare for the transition BEFORE June 17.

  • Scroll down for more answers to your questions on this change.

  • Feedback or additional questions are always welcome:  helpdesk@fvtc.edu  

Identify who you are, to see the changes to your Sign In & Email

I am a student only (Degree-Seeking, Program student)

Account Sign In

For all your FVTC Sign ins, you will CONTINUE TO USE your nine-digit FVTC ID number.

  • This includes, but is not limited to: MyFVTC Account, Blackboard and your Office 365 (FVTC Email) accounts.
  • For some systems you will have to add @fvtc.edu to the end of your sign in (e.g. 123456789@fvtc.edu)

Email Address Changes

A NEW email address will be added to your FVTC account and be delivered to your inbox:

  • Your preferred first name + a dot + your preferred last name + the last four digits of your FVTC ID number + @fvtc.edu 
    e.g. - mary.smith6789@fvtc.edu
  • If no preferred name is listed on your account, your primary or legal name will be used
  • Spaces will be eliminated, however, dashes will remain

As a courtesy, the following, existing email addresses will still be delivered to your inbox:

  • Your full ID and @fvtc.edu 
    e.g. - 123456789@fvtc.edu
  • Your first eight letters of your last name, then the last four digits of your ID number and @fvtc.edu 
    e.g. - smith6789@fvtc.edu

I am a student taking one class, training or seminar. 
This includes DUAL CREDIT HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, Criminal Justice, ICAC & AMBER Alert customers, APICS customers.

Account Sign In

For all your FVTC Sign ins, you will CONTINUE TO USE your nine-digit FVTC ID number.

  • This includes, but is not limited to:  MyFVTC Account and Blackboard.
  • For some systems you will have to add @fvtc.edu to the end of your sign in (e.g. 123456789@fvtc.edu)

Email Address Changes

Since you are not eligible for an FVTC student email address, we will continue to contact you using the preferred email on your FVTC account (i.e. - Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, etc).  Your login to those email systems is not affected by this.

I am a student AND I have an Internship / Work-Study job

Account Sign In

For all your FVTC Sign ins, INCLUDING ACCESS FOR YOUR INTERN OR WORK STUDY POSITION you will only use your nine-digit FVTC ID number.

  • This includes, but is not limited to:  MyFVTC Account, Blackboard, your Office 365 (FVTC Email) accounts and any other systems you access in your current position with the college
  • You will CONTINUE TO USE the same password from your previous STAFF sign in, NOT your student sign in (this is different for you than your other classmates who have a single account).
  • For some systems you will have to add @fvtc.edu to the end of your sign in (e.g. 123456789@fvtc.edu)

Email Address Changes

A NEW email address will be added to your FVTC account and be delivered to your inbox:

  • Your preferred first name + a dot + your preferred last name + the last four digits of your FVTC ID number + @fvtc.edu 
    e.g. - mary.smith6789@fvtc.edu
  • If no preferred name is listed on your account, your primary or legal name will be used
  • Spaces will be eliminated, however, dashes will remain

As a courtesy, the following, existing email addresses will still be delivered to your inbox:

  • Your full ID and @fvtc.edu 
    e.g. - 123456789@fvtc.edu
  • Your first eight letters of your last name, then the last four digits of your ID number and @fvtc.edu 
    e.g. - smith6789@fvtc.edu
  • Your first eight letters of your last name and @fvtc.edu (your old "intern" staff account)
    e.g. - smith@fvtc.edu

Student Account Merging

PLEASE NOTE, because you have a student account and a staff account, we will be MERGING these accounts into a single FVTC Account.  You will not lose any of your documents from either of those accounts. You will use your previous staff password to access this information, NOT your student password.

Scroll down to the ADDITIONAL NOTES FOR STAFF WITH MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS section for more details on this change!

I am a full-time or part-time Faculty, Support or Management staff member

Account Sign In


  • This includes, but is not limited to: MyFVTC Account, Blackboard, your Office 365 (FVTC Email) accounts and any other systems you access in your current position with the college
  • You will CONTINUE TO USE same password from your previous STAFF account.
  • This will ALSO include future logins into our new Workday system.
  • You will NO LONGER USE your current last name sign in for computer access, system access or any other FVTC resources
  • For some systems you will have to add @fvtc.edu to the end of your sign in (e.g. 123456789@fvtc.edu)

Email Address Changes

A NEW email address will be added to your FVTC account and be delivered to your inbox:

  • Your preferred first name + a dot + your preferred last name + the last four digits of your FVTC ID number + @fvtc.edu 
    e.g. - mary.smith6789@fvtc.edu
  • If no preferred name is listed on your account, your primary or legal name will be used
  • Spaces will be eliminated, however, dashes will remain

As a courtesy, your previous staff email address will still be delivered to your inbox.

Student Account Merging (if applicable)

PLEASE NOTE, if you have a student account in addition to your staff account, we will MERGE your student One Drive and emails into your current staff account. But you will still use your previous staff password to access this information, NOT your student password.

I am an Adjunct Instructor

Account Sign In


  • This includes, but is not limited to:  MyFVTC Account, Blackboard, your Office 365 (FVTC Email) accounts and any other systems you access in your current position with the college
  • You will CONTINUE TO USE same password from your previous STAFF account.
  • This will ALSO include future logins into our new Workday system.
  • You will NO LONGER USE your current last name sign in for computer access, system access or any other FVTC resources
  • For some systems you will have to add @fvtc.edu to the end of your sign in (e.g. 123456789@fvtc.edu)

Email Address Changes

A NEW email address will be added to your FVTC account and be delivered to your inbox:

  • Your preferred first name + a dot + your preferred last name + the last four digits of your FVTC ID number + @fvtc.edu 
    e.g. - mary.smith6789@fvtc.edu
  • If no preferred name is listed on your account, your primary or legal name will be used
  • Spaces will be eliminated, however, dashes will remain

As a courtesy, your previous staff email addresses will still be delivered to your inbox.

Student Account Merging (if applicable)

PLEASE NOTE, if you have a student account in addition to your staff account, we will MERGE your student One Drive and emails into your current staff account. But you will still use your previous staff password to access this information, NOT your student password.

I am a Dual Credit High School Instructor

Account Sign In


  • This includes, but is not limited to:  MyFVTC Account (for grades) and Blackboard or any other systems you may access as a Dual Credit instructor.
  • You will NO LONGER USE your "EXT" account to sign in for system access or any other FVTC resources
  • For some systems you will have to add @fvtc.edu to the end of your sign in (e.g. 123456789@fvtc.edu)
  • Our K12 Partnerships office will be reaching out to each of you to provide you with this nine-digit number.

Email Address Changes

Since you are not eligible for an FVTC staff address, we will continue to contact you using the preferred email on your Dual Credit account.  For most of you this will be your School District's provided email account. This change does NOT affect the sign in and password to your email system.

I am an Associate Staff Member

Account Sign In


  • This includes, but is not limited to:  MyFVTC Account, Blackboard, your Office 365 (FVTC Email) accounts and any other systems you access in your current position with the college
  • You will CONTINUE TO USE same same password from your previous ASSOCIATE STAFF account, not the password tied to your FVTC ID number.
  • You will NO LONGER USE your current last name sign in for computer access, system access or any other FVTC resources
  • Additionally if you have used your FVTC ID number in the past to sign up for courses, training or conferences, you will continue to use that same number to access those registrations.
  • For some systems you will have to add @fvtc.edu to the end of your sign in (e.g. 123456789@fvtc.edu)

Email Address Changes

A NEW email address will be added to your FVTC account and be delivered to your inbox:

  • Your preferred first name + a dot + your last name, then the last four digits of your ID number and @fvtc.edu 
    e.g. - smith6789@fvtc.edu


Details on how the accounts will merge (Email Sent on May 20)

As noted in our previous email regarding the One Account transition, you have a unique situation since you have more than one FVTC account – a student account AND a staff, an intern, adjunct, or ext account.


Please note you might be receiving this email if you previously took classes or use this other login for other purposes.

ON FRIDAY, JUNE 10, Microsoft resources (email and/or OneDrive) will be copied from your student account to your other FVTC account. 

  • If you have an FVTC email:
    • New messages sent to your student email address will be delivered to your other FVTC account 
    • Email in your student mailbox will be copied to your other FVTC mailbox in a folder named FVTC ID > Last Name, First Name – Date and Time of copy > Primary Mailbox.
      Screen Shot of New inbox
    • Starting 6/13 you no longer need to check your student mailbox since messages will be delivered to your other FVTC account.


  • If you have FVTC OneDrive:
    • Log in to https://office.com with student account
    • Click OneDrive
    • Click Shared
    • Click Shared by you
    • Make note of files that are shared and who they are shared with
    • Permission to your student OneDrive will be removed so you will no longer be able to access OneDrive with your student account.
    • Content in your student OneDrive will be copied to your other FVTC account inside a folder named FVTC ID so you will need to log in with your other FVTC account to view the files.  Until the copy is complete, your student OneDrive files will be inaccessible with either account.
    • Recent files in Office programs and saved shortcuts pointing to your student OneDrive will no longer work, have to browse to the new location to access.
    • After the copy, shared files will no longer be shared.  If shares are needed, make note of current shares BEFORE JUNE 10, then recreate the shares under your other FVTC account after files have been copied.
      Find Shared Files :

  On Monday, June 20 you will start logging in with your FVTC ID and the password for your other FVTC account (not your student password), and start using your new email First Name + a dot + Last Name + Last four digits of of FVTC ID (example jane.smith6789@fvtc.edu).

 If you have any questions, please let us know:  920.735.5644 or helpdesk@fvtc.edu

Timing Details on Merge for this group on Friday, June 10

Just a reminder --- we are beginning the merge of your STUDENT email and OneDrive into your STAFF email and OneDrive this Friday Morning, June 10.

This is in preparation for our transition to One Account, which takes place the following weekend, beginning the evening of Friday, June 17.

 As we begin the merge process, a few things to note:

  • New email sent TO your student account will BEGIN to arrive in your staff inbox Friday morning.
  • We will create a sub-folder in your staff mailbox with your current student inbox and subfolders. (NOTE: this sub-folder will ONLY have your old student mailbox content, not any new emails which are now delivered to your staff inbox).
  • We will create a sub-folder in your staff OneDrive with your student OneDrive folder and subfolders.
  • Your access to the student files MAY BE LIMITED throughout the weekend. 
  • Your staff files and access will remain unchanged.

 Login procedures after the merge:

  • The week of Monday, June 13:  You will sign in with your staff sign in to access all your FVTC email AND OneDrive files for THIS WEEK ONLY:  
    You WILL still need to sign in with student sign in for MyFVTC and Blackboard.
  • Starting the week of Monday, June 20:  You will sign in with your FVTC ID number to access all FVTC systems (your OneAccount will have all your staff content and copied student folders & files).
    This is your login GOING FORWARD:   

Thanks for your patience during this extra phase of the OneAccount conversion.

Answers for your Questions on the move to One Account

Why are we doing this?

Many of our current systems work better with a single account sign in, rather than handling the multiple accounts we currently use to sign in.  Our systems will now be able to better differentiate "who" you are when you sign in (no matter if you are a student or staff member).  It also prepares us in the long term for newer systems in the future.

When is it happening?

Right now we are targeting beginning the transition process in the evening of Friday, June 17


We anticipate that you will use your new login on Monday, June 20.

How does this affect me as a student?

For log in purposes?  Not much will change. You'll use your FVTC ID number to sign in.

However, if you have an FVTC email, that WILL change a bit.  See above under the heading: I am a student only (Degree-Seeking, Program Student) or if you have an internship or work-study job, please see the heading:  I am a student AND I have an Internship / Work-Study job

PLEASE NOTE:  Prepare for downtime the weekend of the transition, beginning Friday, June 17.

How does this affect me as a staff, adjunct, or Dual Credit instructor?

So, you have the biggest change to deal with.

First change?  You will drop your current sign-in name (last name or "ext" account) and use your nine-digit FVTC ID number to sign in to everything. (sometimes referred to as your employee ID or your EMPL ID).  Please note if you have multiple accounts (like a student account), we will merge all of those One Drive documents and emails into a single FVTC Account.

Second change?  You will get a new email address too IF you have an FVTC staff email.

Scroll up this page to pick the employee type you are, to read more on the changes coming to your group.

PLEASE NOTE:  Prepare for downtime the weekend of the transition, beginning Friday, June 17.

How do I find my nine-digit FVTC ID number?

Use the account recovery link here:  https://account.fvtc.edu/find

So what is the benefit?

As we described above, most of it is for security and updating our sign-in processes.

However, it also helps students and some part-time staff who may have multiple accounts (for instance employees who are pursuing an Associate Degree, or our student interns, or our Dual Credit instructors who teach high school and adjunct classes). Those individuals will simply have a single account to manage all of the different hats they wear at FVTC.

It also helps you as full-time staff when students, interns or partners ask HOW they access their account, or even what account TO use. Now everyone signs in the same way with the same type of account.

Wait.  Didn't we just change our password system?

Yes, we sure did change that system.

While the password change and the One Account update are somewhat related, the two are very separate systems and updates.  While they work together and complement each other, the change is necessary to make all of our systems work now and in the future.

This link has more information on that update:  https://kb.fvtc.edu/fvtcpassword

Do I need to change my password when this happens?

No.  You will keep the same password if you have a single staff or student sign in right now.

But if you have multiple sign in accounts with us? Such as a student sign in and an intern sign in?

You will use your CURRENT staff password, not the student password.

Is this happening because of Workday?

While Workday is a new system coming this summer as well, and the Workday logins will benefit from One Account, this switch to a single account has been in discussions across many of our IT departments and systems for many years. The Workday Project did create a bit more urgency to make the change to One Account, as there are many benefits to switch to One Account at the same time.

Staff, learn more about the Workday project here:  Workday Project Site (staff only) 

I still have questions.  Who should I contact?

We know this is a lot.  So if you still have questions, maybe there's a detail above we missed, we are happy to follow-up:  helpdesk@fvtc.edu

We will continue to post additional information on this site too.

Keywordspassword, account, change, ID, nine, digit, sign, in, log, access oneaccount   Doc ID117172
OwnerThom W.GroupFVTC
Created2022-03-07 11:55:00Updated2022-06-28 11:07:52
SitesFox Valley Technical College
Feedback  6   2