Teams | How to View a Meeting Recording

Learn how to view your Teams Meeting Recording

View a Recorded Meeting

If user was not invited to the meeting they must ask the meeting organizer to add permissions and share the link per the next section
  1. Go to Teams > Chat
  2. Find the meeting chat
  3. Click on the recording to view the videoTeamsRecording01

HELP! How can I add a viewer who was NOT in my meeting (FVTC Staff or Student)?

For full details on sharing in OneDrive see
  1. Go to Teams > Chat
  2. Find the meeting chat
  3. Click on the recording to open it  TeamsRecording02
  4. Click Share (only the meeting organizer and the person who recorded the meeting can Share)  TeamsRecording03
  5. Select who the link should work for
    1. Anyone with the link (if external people need access)
    2. People in Fox Valley Technical College (anyone with an FVTC account including Staff and Students)
    3. People with existing access (send a link to someone who already has access)
    4. Specific people (select specific people or groups)
  6. If desired, check the box to allow editing
  7. If desired, turn off blocking download (so users can download)
  8. Click Apply TeamsRecording04 
  9. Click Copy link
  10. Send users the link so they can view the video  

HELP! How can I add a viewer who is NOT an FVTC Staff member or student?

  1. Go to Teams > Chat
  2. Find the meeting chat
  3. Click on the recording to open it  TeamsRecording02
  4. Click Share (only the meeting organizer and the person who recorded the meeting can Share)  TeamsRecording03
  5. Select who the link should work for
    1. Anyone with the link (link can be accessed anonymously)
    2. Specific people (will need to enter external address – recipient will need enter their email and a validation code to view)
  6. If desired, check the box to allow editing
  7. If desired, turn off blocking download (so users can download)
  8. Click Apply TeamsRecording04 
  9. Click Copy link
  10. Send users the link so they can view the video  

KeywordsTeams, Stream, video, meeting, recording, view, watch, FVTC, outside, external, viewing   Doc ID104114
OwnerThom W.GroupFVTC
Created2020-07-17 13:08:36Updated2022-04-01 11:32:53
SitesFox Valley Technical College
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