Teams | Microsoft Video Library

Microsoft Teams Video Library - this page is viewed best in Chrome
Learn more about Teams:

Teams Channels

In Microsoft Teams, teams are groups of people brought together for work, projects, or common interests.

Teams are made up of  channels. Each channel is built around a topic, like “Team Events,” a department name, or just for fun. Channels are where you hold meetings, have conversations, and work on files together.

The tabs at the top of each channel link to your favorite files, apps, and services.

Teams Chat

With chat, you can have private one-on-one or group conversations that are not in the public team channel. 

Teams Meetings

View, schedule, and manage appointments and meetings in Microsoft Teams to keep your team on track.

Managing Teams

As a team owner, you can add new members and guests, change members into owners, manage channels and settings, and archive a team that's no longer in use.

Keywordsmicrosoft, videos, video, team, teams,   Doc ID101655
OwnerThom W.GroupFVTC
Created2020-05-02 17:54:37Updated2021-01-02 18:55:29
SitesFox Valley Technical College
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