Outlook | Deleted Items from a Shared Mailbox

This KB Article provides the steps you should take to modify where Deleted emails are stored for Shared Mailboxes.
By default, messages that are deleted from a Shared Mailbox in Outlook go to the Deleted Items folder of the person performing the action, not to the folder of the Shared Mailbox.  An entry needs to be added to the registry on each user’s computer in order for messages to go in the Deleted Items of the Shared Mailbox instead (this is unique to each user and computer so if you use multiple computers will need to do this on each machine for each user).

Deleted Items
  1. Click the Windows start menu button

  2. In the Search programs and files box type 'regedit' and hit Enter

  3. If prompted enter credentials

  4. Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options

    ***NOTE: For Outlook 2013, the path is 15.0 instead of 16.0: (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Options)***

  5. Right-click on General and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value (If there is no General folder right click on Options, select New > Key, and enter General for the name)

  6. Change the name to DelegateWastebasketStyle

  7. Change the Value to 4

  8. If Outlook is open, close and restart it

  9. Messages Deleted from the Shared Mailbox should now go to the Deleted Items of that mailbox instead of the Deleted Items of the person who actually deleted the message

Note: Sent messages are now automatically copied to the Sent Items of both the Shared Mailbox and the sender of the original message.

If you have additional questions, please contact the I.T. Helpdesk at helpdesk@fvtc.edu or 920-735-5644.

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Owned by:
Thom W. in FVTC
Fox Valley Technical College