Adobe Acrobat Reader

This KB Article provides an overview for installing the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing PDFs.
Adobe Acrobat Reader logo
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a FREE application to view PDFs (Portable Document Files).
If you need the functionality to edit or create PDFs, you will instead need to use the full Adobe Acrobat, available in the Adobe Creative Cloud suite. Scroll to the bottom for more information.

Installing Acrobat Reader on a Staff Computer

To install Adobe Acrobat Reader on FVTC staff computers, please navigate to Software Center (in the Windows start menu, search for 'software'), and browse to and install Acrobat Reader from the list of Applications.

In Software Center, locate Adobe Reader in the list of Applications. Click to Install Acrobat Reader

Install Acrobat Reader on a Student or Computer Lab Computer

To request Adobe Acrobat Reader on student or computer lab computers, please contact the Helpdesk at or 920-735-5644.

Install Acrobat Reader on a Personal Computer

To install Adobe Acrobat Reader for work-at-home use on a personal computer, navigate to and click Download PDF Reader.

Still can't open PDFs with Acrobat Reader?

If you discover that PDFs are opening by default with an application other than Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may wish to Modify Your Default Applications in Windows 10 .

How can I install Adobe Acrobat Professional?

STAFF: Information on obtaining licensing and installing Adobe Creative Cloud, which provides access to install Adobe Acrobat Professional can be found here: [Link for document 88182 is unavailable at this time] .
STUDENTS: Information on obtaining licensing and installing Adobe Creative Cloud, which provides access to install Adobe Acrobat Professional can be found on 
Adobe's website for student purchases.

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Thom W. in FVTC
Fox Valley Technical College