Creating An Autodesk Student Account

This document will detail how students can sign up for Autodesk Education Access in order to use Autodesk products while enrolled at FVTC. (PLEASE NOTE PICTURES FOR THIS DOCUMENT ARE BEING WORKED ON AND WILL BE ADDED TO THIS DOCUMENT IN THE NEAR FUTURE)

Part 1: Creating an Autodesk Account

  1. Open a web browser of your choice (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge)
  2. Navigate to
  3. Fill in your legal first name, and last name
  4. Fill in your FVTC email (example: jane.doe1234@fvtc.eduNote: An FVTC email address is not required for this step, but is recommended if you have one
  6. Check the box to consent with autodesk terms of service
  7. Select Create Account
  8. Open your FVTC email, and find the Autodesk email to verify your account
  9. Press the "Verify" button inside your Autodesk email.
  10. You have now successfully created an Autodesk Account.

Part 2: Getting Educational Access to Autodesk Software

  1. Open a web browser of your choice
  2. Navigate to
  3. Select the "Get Started" button in the top banner of the page
  4. Select "Student" under the education role
  5. Enter in your date of birth
  6. Select the Next button
  7. If you're not signed in with the account you made in Part 1, select the "SIGN IN" green link on the bottom of the Create Account form
  8. Fill in your First & Last Name
  9. Select "United States" for the Country or region Box
  10. Select University/Post-Secondary for the Institution type
  11. Type in Fox Valley Technical College & Select the school in the drop down box of the Name of educational institution box.
  12. Type in your date of birth 
  13. Put in your enrollment date (attempt to get this exact but its okay to round to the first date of the semester of your first semester 
  14. Put in your Graduation date (this is an approximate, but ensure you select a date that is after graduation as this will dictate how long your account will have access for)
  15. Type in Confirm
  16. You should see a message saying you have been granted education access until a few days after your graduation date

Part 3: Gaining Access to Autodesk Products you Need

  1. Open a web browser of your choice
  2. Navigate to
  3. Find the bit of software you want to gain access to (example: Autocad)
  4. Click the "Get Started" button under your Autodesk Software of Choice
  5. Select "Install" or "Download" (Note: Clicking Download or Install is what creates the license for you to use the software. It MUST be clicked. You DO NOT need to actually install the software)
  6. Your browser will start the download of a web install of the software you chose, you may install this on your home computer if you would like. This is NOT NECESSARY if you are just running autodesk software on school computers
  7. Repeat Steps 1-6 to gain access to any Autodesk software you would like
  • Important Note: You must click download or install on any Autodesk software you want to be licensed for. This create the license that allows you to use the product. You DO NOT have to actually install it on your home computer or laptop. 

Part 4: How to Sign in to Autodesk Software Running on Windows

  1. Launch the Autodesk software of your choice (example: Inventor, Autocad, or Revit)
  2. In the top bar of the Autodesk Software, click the arrow down.
  3. Select "Sign in"
  4. Type in your FVTC email you used to create your account in Part 1 of this document
  5. Type in your password for your Autodesk account 
  6. You should now be signed in & the software will be licensed and accessible for use

Keywordsautocad, revit, autodesk education, inventor, student software access, inventor, autocad electrical,   Doc ID128884
OwnerMatthew H.GroupFVTC
Created2023-06-08 11:02:05Updated2024-03-19 13:43:59
SitesFox Valley Technical College
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